Becoming a Founding Member and What that means.

A founding member is one who became an advertiser in the first issue.

What that means is that a founding member will get…

  • A special badge showing they are a founding member, 
  • Continue to receive the discounted advertising rates for as long as they are a current advertiser*, 
  • A FREE premium listing on the local directory website for as long as they are in business.
  • Take part in local events put on by the Butler Booster at a 50% discount over the regular vendor fees forever.
  • 50% Discount on a Booster Video Commercial, and unlimited useage rights.
  • Discounts at strategic partner businesses of up to 40%!
  • Discount on wholesale  purchase of the CommUNITY discount cards to sell for a profit to their customers.
  • Four (4) FREE placements in the weekly subscriber Email Booster for “quick sale programs”.
  • Weeklong Facebook Group Featured advertising every year forever.